Saturday, February 7, 2015


Kalau lah awak tahu berapa ramai yang boyfriend awak puji selain awak,

Saya rasa awak tak kan sebahagia ini bila dia upload gambar awak dengan caption "my prettiest girl" dekat Instagram

Kalau lah awak sedar, berapa banyak kali matanya dicuri perempuan lain,

Saya rasa awak tak kan tidur lena dengan cuma whatsapp "selamat malam cinta" tiap malam daripada dia

Kalau lah awak boleh kira, berapa kali boyfriend awak tabur janji manis dekat perempuan perempuan sepi,

Saya rasa awak tak kan mimpi tinggi tinggi dengan ungkapan "untill jannah" dia

Cubalah awak buka mata besar sikit daripada biasa

Friday, December 12, 2014


Kau kata aku cantik
Aku senyum melirik
Malam tadi selepas isyak
Kita beraksi, asyik!

Jadi nanti subuh
Kita nangis sungguh sungguh
Biar semua dosa terbasuh
Macam semalam tak pernah setubuh

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dear John

This is what being an adult is: doing everything before you are ready. There is no syllabus for life that helps your graduate to the next event. It is happening all around you, all the time.

That is live: ready or not, here it comes. Exactly as it wants to.

I hope we all learn to let go a bit more, to forgive each other and ourselves for the things we wish we'd done differently or not done at all, to cut each other a break now and then. Let's be well and be good, especially to one another